Tuesday, April 24, 2007


In spite of my crippled status, I got quite a lot done today: I planted some poppy seeds in the prairie and gave the area a look see-- there are incredible amounts of rudbeckia and coreopsis seedlings coming up, plus some echinacea and flax, and all the perennial plantings I've put in are coming back up, which excites a dull gal like me to no end! People driving by on the highway must think I'm nuts, when they see me wandering about the front yard with my head down, looking for seedlings or scattering seeds, but too bad... I find it incredibly entertaining!

If I don't get the chicken coop garden put together soon, I may take many of the plants out of the butterfly garden and put them in the prairie-- I'm just not sure when we are planning to tear up the patio, so we may not need to rush. With my back ALREADY sore, I'm not looking forward to brick hauling anytime soon, but maybe I'll get started this weekend.
I took quite a few photos of the flowers that are blooming in the gardens; the nice thing is that with close ups, you can make the gardens look better than they actually are, but considering they are all relatively new plantings (the back garden was planted last fall), they look pretty darn good. The diversity of plants in that garden is very cool-- and unfortunately, it looks like it will have to be divided already this fall. (And I'll have to dig yet ANOTHER garden-- oh! my aching back!)

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