Monday, June 25, 2007

Bye, Bye, Baby:

I'm going to miss my Gracy Pants. I remember when she was a tiny little baby, just like it was yesterday... and now she's practically grown, training to be a counselor, and gone for the next 4 weeks. Getting old is hell... (tee hee)

UPDATE: Allright... I guess I'm not the only one who's going thru Gracy withdrawal. Her poor, beleaguered boyfriend has called me **3** times in the past 14 hours to check if I've seen her or talked to her, which he knows is fairly impossible.
I told him I'd try to sneak him in tonight for a few minutes, but I know I could get all of us in a heap o trouble.... it'll be like the underground railroad of teen angst. I remember, tho, what it was like to be in the fresh bloom of young love, all those many years ago (not like the crusty, ant bitten love of middle age).

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